Director Election Process

As implemented under this bylaw, the CLST Directorship recommendation to the Dean emerges from the CLST Executive Committee (EC)--generally in the Spring Semester before a term ending in the following August. Technically, the Director charges the committee with running the election, which then selects an election manager from within its ranks.

With the current director recused from the process, the EC solicits nominations from the membership of affiliate CLST faculty and sets a deadline for those nominations.  The EC considers the results and asks nominees if they might be willing to stand for election. The EC then forms a ballot for voting and asks the candidates for a statement, which is then circulated to the voting affiliate faculty.  Affiliate faculty who are not either tenured or tenure-stream are ineligible to vote.  The ballot  is circulated to eligible voters by CLST's senior administrative officer. The ballots are returned to that officer, who tallies the result, and reports it to the election manager and EC.   The election manager then informs the candidates of the outcome.